Karyn Johnson
Senior Consultant / Water Consulting

Through over 35 years as a financial planning and municipal rate consultant, Karyn Johnson has developed a firm grasp of numbers and the people behind them. She excels at connecting with clients to understand their challenges and craft solutions to balance often competing goals around effectively pricing utility services.
Karyn’s work covers a broad range of services, including fiscal health reviews and feasibility studies, financial policy development, revenue sufficiency studies, long-term financial planning, retail and wholesale cost of service analyses, and rate and fee designs. Harris clients benefit from her understanding of alternative rate structure concepts, such as increasing block and seasonal water rates, full-service and interruptible irrigation rates, volume- and strength-based sewer rates, and specialty rates for large or unique customer classes.
A recognized thought leader, Karyn actively contributes to the growing body of knowledge in her field. She has co-authored numerous articles and presented her insights on utility ratemaking at various industry educational forums. As an accomplished speaker, Karyn knows how to craft persuasive messages for attaining Council/Board approval of financial plans and accompanying rates.
Why Harris?
I joined Harris for the synergy and collaboration with team members. The people at Harris truly care about the success of each other and the clients we serve.
Seattle, WA
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American Water Works Association
Association of Washington Cities
Washington Association of Sewer and Water Districts
Drinking Water
Water Reuse