City of Bellflower Housing/Community Development Consulting Services

Community Development and Housing Solutions

Harris has worked with the City of Bellflower to identify public funding sources for housing projects, including the construction of a 50-bed transitional shelter for unhoused individuals which opened in 2020. Harris collaborated directly with the City manager to strategize, identify grants and other funding sources, and meet with State and County officials to secure funding.

Additionally, the Harris’ Community Development + Housing team has completed two fiscal and economic impact analyses for the City:

  • A study estimating the number of housing units (along with increases in net costs for services as well as jobs and economic output created by the units) needed to meet the City’s economic development goals.
  • An analysis to determine the fiscal and economic impacts of adult-use cannabis businesses.

Meet the Team

Hitta Mosesman

Hitta Mosesman

Vice President / Community Development + Housing


City of Bellflower


Bellflower, CA




Community Development + Housing

