The City of Corona manages a very complex and highly integrated water resources system. In order to successfully complete water system projects, they need to be implemented in a timely and cost-effective manner. The City’s water service area encompasses approximately 39 square miles and delineates the extent of the City’s potable water, reclaimed water, and wastewater services.
The 2018 Reclaimed Water Master Plan (RWMP) updated the City’s adopted Reclaimed Water Master Plan (2001), which provides guidance to create infrastructure to efficiently use treated effluent from its existing and future wastewater reclamation facilities (WRFs) supplemented by non-potable groundwater to reduce dependence on imported water and potable groundwater. Future projects infrastructure and improvements to the reclaimed water system would be categorized as sources of supply, large distribution pipelines, medium distribution pipelines, small distribution pipelines, conversion of adjacent customers, data management, and additional studies.
Harris & Associates prepared the Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) and associated technical studies to support the updated RWMP. A PEIR is an environmental impact report (EIR) that may be prepared for a series of actions that can be characterized as one large project and are related:
- Geographically;
- As logical parts in the chain of contemplated actions;
- In connection with issuance of rules, regulations, plans, or other general criteria to govern the conduct of a continuing program; or
- As individual activities carried out under the same authorizing statutory or regulatory authority and having generally similar environmental impacts that can be mitigated in similar ways.
Core Elements
Harris' scope of work involved project management, preparing the PEIR, and technical studies, including biology, cultural/tribal resources, air quality, greenhouse gas, and noise.
Beyond the Blueprints
Harris prepared an environmental document that will easily streamline subsequent water projects pursuant to the 2018 RWMP. In addition, the team provided trouble shooting for potential responsible agency and stakeholder issues with the project and analysis. The Harris team was flexible with the final decision and helped to addressed potential decision maker issues before certification.
City of Corona
Corona, CA
Environmental Planning + Compliance
Water Consulting