Harris is providing planning support services to the City of Marina. In this role, Harris staff have served as an extension of City staff by updating planning processes/systems, working with the public at the front counter, updating land use related applications/forms, and processing of Discretionary Permits for various project types throughout the City.
Harris is responsible for application review, compliance determination with applicable general plan, zoning code, and individual land use and area plans. Harris is also responsible for CEQA compliance determination (exemptions and initial studies); preparing staff reports, resolutions with findings and evidence, development of conditions of approval, public hearing notices, and presentations; receipt, review, and coordination of pre-hearing public comments; and post-hearing document finalization including CEQA Notices of Exemption (NOEs) or Notices of Determination (NODs), as well as condition changes or amendments and resolution amendments. Harris staff also track individual projects throughout all appeal periods.
City of Marina
Marina, CA
Planning + Development
Environmental Planning + Compliance
Community Planning
Environmental Services