Harris has been providing planning support and staff augmentation services to the City of Pacific Grove since September 2021. Contracted Harris staff assist with development applications, including architectural permits, use permits, coastal development permits, amendments, and historic determinations. Harris is responsible for application review and compliance determination with applicable general plan policies and zoning code regulation. Harris is also responsible for CEQA compliance determinations (exemptions and initial studies); preparing public hearing notices; preparing staff reports including resolutions with findings and evidence, conditions of approval, and presentations; receipt, review, and coordination of pre-hearing public comments; and post-hearing document finalization including CEQA Notices of Exemption or Notices of Determination, as well as condition of approval and/or resolution amendments. Harris also tracks all permits through the applicable appeal periods, mentors junior-level staff, provides training, and assists the public at the front counter. Additionally, Harris staff serve as the staff liaison to the City’s Planning Commission. In this role, we use our depth and breadth of experience to provide trusted advisor planning guidance to the Commission and prepare agendas and meeting minutes. Throughout the duration of this project, our staff’s proximity to the site and proactive attitude have allowed the team to act immediately in response to client needs, contributing to the project's continued success.
City of Pacific Grove
Pacific Grove, CA
Planning + Development
Environmental Planning + Compliance
Advisory Services
Community Planning
Environmental Services
Staff Augmentation