City of Salinas Salinas Creeks Management Plan and Permitting Phases 1-3

Restoring and Enhancing Salinas Waters and Wetlands

Harris & Associates is working with the City of Salinas to create a citywide comprehensive creeks enhancement plan for the Gabilan, Natividad, Santa Rita, Alisal, and other creeks and streams within the City’s jurisdiction. This plan would serve as a repository of regionally-significant restoration and enhancement projects for waters and wetlands of the US and State, including habitats for special-status species, and would provide multiple benefits to the environment and community, including flood control, groundwater recharge, improved water quality, climate resiliency, and additional recreational opportunities. Implementation of the projects outlined in the plan would be prioritized for implementation based on the City’s future mitigation needs/requirements, funding sources, costs of each project, and maximum benefit to the community.

The projects identified and described in the Creeks Enhancement Plan would be eligible for both grant funding and as advanced mitigation projects that would support the programmatic permitting program, which is a complementary aspect of this project. Programmatic permits are being sought from the USACE (Regional General Permit), CCRWQCB (Routine Maintenance Agreement), and CDFWS (Routine Maintenance Agreement) for their ongoing flood protection and maintenance activities in waters of the US and state. Activities include sediment removal, vegetation management (including tree removal), erosion control, culvert maintenance and replacement, and bank stabilization in all of the City’s creeks, sediment basins, and flood control structures. 

Harris is overseeing the development of the programmatic permits and Salinas Creeks Enhancement Plan through collaboration with multiple City departments and stakeholders, as well as facilitating coordination between the City, regulatory agencies, and stakeholders.

Core Elements

Harris' scope of work includes:

  • Early Agency Coordination
  • Streamlined Permitting
  • Endangered Species Compliance
  • Wetland Delineation
  • Cultural Resources and Native American Consultation
  • Increased Flood Capacity

Beyond the Blueprints

To streamline our efforts and support other ongoing programs, the permitting strategy is being developed in conjunction with several partners that manage other existing permits and adjacent properties, including the City’s NPDES permit under the CCRWQCB’s MS4 program, the Regional General Permit held by the Monterey County Resource Conservation District for the Salinas River, the Big Sur Land Trust, and the City’s parks department.

Meet the Team

Kate Elliott

Kate Elliott

Director / Environmental Planning + Compliance


City of Salinas


Salinas, CA




Environmental Planning + Compliance