Harris served as the Assessment Engineer for the Peardale-Chicago Park Fire Protection District, which lead to the establishment of a new Fire Suppression Benefit District, established pursuant to the provisions of Government Code 50078 et. seq. ("Code") and California Constitution Article XIIID ("Proposition 218"). The Fire Suppression Assessment augments existing property tax revenues with an additional revenue source dedicated to fire suppression services, salaries and benefits of firefighting personnel, and fire suppression equipment and apparatus. Harris supported the District in reviewing budgets, call history, and service levels; developed an assessment methodology compliant with the Code and Proposition 218; applied the new assessment rates to the assessable parcels; and prepared an Engineer’s Report. Harris attended the Public Hearing to answer questions and tabulate ballots. The City received 75.90% in favor of the assessment, securing additional funding in the amount of over $397,000.
Peardale-Chicago Park Fire Protection District
Peardale, CA