Faced with a complex improvement program and state deadlines when it was already working at maximum capacity, the city of Monterey, California, felt the pressure to rehabilitate its aging sewers, manholes and lift stations. Harris & Associates stepped in to augment the overworked city team when it most needed the help, helming this challenging infrastructure project that every resident depends upon.
Harris & Associates is bringing to Monterey a specialized program management team to bolster city staff for the city-wide pump-station and sewer rehabilitation project. With combined design and construction management services, Harris is helping Monterey minimize disruptions—and meet tight deadlines.
Taking advantage of the latest technology, the Harris team is saving the city time and money by utilizing pipe bursting and cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) lining instead of traditional open-trench construction methods. In addition, the facility upgrades to the lift stations—including new pumps, controls, valving and emergency generator improvements—will increase the system's reliability while slashing future maintenance time and costs.
Core Elements
The three-year, $16.8 million project—funded by a state revolving loan—involves the evaluation and rehabilitation of more than 70,000 feet of sewers, 431 manholes and seven pump stations.
Phase I of the project includes closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection of pipelines and plans specification and estimate (PS&E) preparation for spot repairs and/or linings. Spot repairs and lining prove especially challenging since many lines were previously abandoned due to an inability to complete past CCTV inspections.
Phase II entails the preparation of three bid packages for the major pipeline rehabilitation and all pump-station upgrades.
City of Monterey
Monterey, CA
Public Works
Civil Design
Construction Management
Trenchless Technology