Solana 101 Mixed-Use Development Project Environmental Impact Report (EIR)

Putting Prime Property to Use in Solana Beach

Nearly 2 acres sat vacant on the corner of Highway 101 and Dahlia Drive in Solana Beach, California. A new applicant, Zephyr Partners, proposed to revive the former mobile home park property with a mixed-use project featuring retail stores, restaurants, offices, and residences in a sustainable environment called Solana 101.

Harris & Associates prepared the environmental impact report (EIR) and technical studies for the City. The EIR evaluated a development concept based on the desire of the local residents for community compatibility, sustainability, and environmental conservation.

This project won the 2018 Outstanding Environmental Analysis Award from the Association of Environmental Professionals San Diego Chapter.

Core Elements

Harris’ technical analyses for the mixed-use project included:

  • Air quality
  • Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Biological resources
  • Supplemental noise analysis
  • Peer reviews of traffic, stormwater, water and wastewater studies

The EIR also addressed potential impacts to public and private views around the property—an area of concern for the local community.

Positive Outcome

The City Council hearing for the EIR and project approval was standing room only. Twenty seven speakers were called to the podium, with every person in favor of the project and no opposition. The City Council unanimously certified the EIR and approved the project, which will transform a blighted site into a vibrant commercial and residential center for the community to enjoy.

Beyond the Blueprints

During the draft EIR’s final review, the City decided to implement a drastic change—opting to go with one of the alternatives as the proposed project. At the same time, the City wanted to release the EIR for public review as soon as possible. Harris quickly reassigned staff workload and rewrote the EIR and technical studies in only five weeks. The EIR was released for public review in May 2018.

And when a modeling exercise identified a significant GHG impact, Harris conducted an additional technical analysis to show numerous GHG-reducing options, both on-site and off-site, that could reduce emissions. Among other measures, the project included the provision of 54 electric vehicle charging stations to serve the project residents and surrounding community.  

Meet the Team

Diane Sandman, AICP

Diane Sandman, AICP

Division President / Consulting

Ryan Binns, ENV SP, PMP

Ryan Binns, ENV SP, PMP

Vice President / Environmental Planning + Compliance


City of Solana Beach


Solana Beach, CA


Planning + Development


Environmental Planning + Compliance