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HSIP Cycle 12 Call-for-projects Is Now Active!

2.0 minute read

June 13, 2024

Earlier last month The Highway Safety Improvement Program Cycle 12 announced a call-for-projects. The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), is a federal-aid program geared at the reduction of traffic-related fatalities and/or serious injuries on all public roads and within our local communities. HSIP funding is accessible for new project improvements across any public road, highway, bicycle or pedestrian trail, or on tribal lands for general use of tribal members, that enhances the safety for its community members.

In order to qualify and apply for the local HSIP funds, please note an agency must have completed their Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP), a data driven template that offers a comprehensive approach to addressing road safety that is submitted to Caltrans Local Assistance.

At Harris & Associates, we are committed to creating safer communities and assisting local jurisdictions in mitigating fatalities and life-threatening injuries across California’s public roadways. Harris' Transportation Team is here to help and can submit HSIP Cycle 12 applications on our clients’ behalf. We have a track-record of helping cities with varied HSIP submittals, including:

The City of Dixon - HSIP Cycle 10 Pedestrian Improvements Project; Designing for five locations consisting of intersection improvements near local Junior High School including yellow high visibility ladder cross walks, sidewalk bulb-outs, installation of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFBs), and advanced warning signing and striping improvements

The City of Benicia - HSIP Cycle 11 Pedestrian Crossing Project; Designing for one intersection included curb extensions, ADA curb ramps, and additional striping for new pedestrian crossings

The City of Soledad - HSIP Cycle 10 Pedestrian Improvements; Designing for two locations with one add alternative location including high visibility ladder crosswalks, concrete bulb outs and curb ramps.  Add alt location includes RRFBs and striping for crosswalk improvements. 

The application deadline for HSIP Cycle 12 is Monday, September 9, 2024. If you are interested in submitting new project applications for the present or future HSIP call-for-projects, please check out our Grants and Funding service for more information. Our team is dedicated to delivering grant assistance on transportation matters company wide. If agencies are in need of developing their Local Road Safety Plans (LRSP) - a requirement to submit various grant applications - the Harris team is here to further assist you.

To reference more information, you may visit the Department of Transportation website or Chapter 9 of the Local Assistance Program Guidelines.



Harris & Associates






Highway Safetey Improvement Plan